Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abbey Church of Saint-Denis

                                                            ^ Who was Saint Denis? ^
According to legend, Denis, Denys, or Dionysius was first converted to Christianity in Athens by the Apostle Paul (though he was born in Italy).

After Paul's death, Denis was sent on a mission to Gaul to convert the native pagans to Christianity, accompanied by two companions, the priest Rusticus and the deacon Eleutherius. Denis was soon appointed the first bishop of Paris. The three men were eventually arrested by the prefect Fescenninus Sisinnius after orders from the emperor Valerius to persecute all known Christians.

After refusing to deny their faith, they were imprisoned, tortured (scourged, racked, thrown to wild beasts, burnt at the stake), and finally beheaded on the slopes of Montmartre (Paris; "Mount of Martyrs") around 258 CE. Following the legend, after his decapitation, Denis picked up his head and walked two miles to his chosen place of burial, northeast of Paris.

A noblewoman named Catulla stopped soldiers on their way to throw the bodies into the Seine by offering them so much wine they fell asleep from drunkenness. She then buried the bodies in a nearby field and erected a small shrine over their graves.

Stained Glass

Glass colored by mixing pigments inherently in the glass, by fusing colored metallic oxides onto the glass, or by painting and baking transparent colors on the glass surface.

Your assignment is to create stained glass using the materials provided by Miss Driver