Sunday, March 3, 2013

Baroque art

Stylistic Definition

The term Baroque is applied to various styles. In French, "Baroque" means irregular, and consequently, flawed pearl. Baroque painting and sculpture had a tendency to be :
  • Stormy.
  • exceedingly emotional
  • more dynamic than earlier styles. The period is identified as encompassing an art of passion and theatrical displays
  • more dynamic than earlier styles. The period is identified as encompassing an art of passion and theatrical displays. It is :
    1. Forceful
    2. Brilliant
    3. Tense
    4. Bursting with energy
    5. Sensual
    6. Extravagant
Look at a few examples of Baroque are on the internet and then choose an emotional scene from your favorite book and draw it following the above guidelines for Baroque art. 

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